
holiday rambles

hi, everybody. how was your Thanksgiving?
    Psalms 7:17 - I will praise the LORD according to his righteousness: and will sing praise to the name of the LORD most high. (KJV)

I enjoyed my holiday at my grandparents & I am still enjoying my 6 day break from school. (hallelujah) 
how did the rest of you spend your holiday? 
hopefully not working! black Friday/cyber Monday deals may be great, but it's no fun when you're the one dishing them out..

anyhoo, 30 days until Christmas! *screams*
who's excited? what's on your wishlist?

~I promise I have some new, fun posts in the making! Comment below if you want a Christmas giveaway!~


  1. Sounds like fun! Your blog is so cute ;)
    -Mic from Mic's Room (http://lovelypinkduckshome.blogspot.com/)

  2. Happy (late) Thanksgiving! Sounds so fun!!

    I love going to Walmart because it has a countdown to Christmas right at the entrance. lol kinda random. ;P

    Your blog is so pretty btw. I'm excited for more posts!!

    P.S. I'm having a photography contest over on my blog.

    1. You too, thanks!
      Haha same! It always makes me so happy! 27 more days :)

      thank you, yours too! heading over right now to check out that photography contest!!

